Course Syllabus

Download the syllabus here: Syllabus.pdf

This is a special topics course created to meet the growing needs of the Center for eCommerce and Business Analytics (CEBA).  The intent of the course is to allow students with specific skills in web and database development the opportunity to contribute to real stakeholder projects while learning the fundamentals of project management.  The course requires many hours of outside of the classroom work as there are no quizzes nor tests given.  The advantage of this type of course is that because you work with real stakeholders, you are able to gain valuable experience in implementing information systems in the real-world.  You are also given the opportunity to make a name for yourself by networking with those who may just want to hire you after graduation.  Because of this it is imperative that you put your absolute best into your work.  This is not a traditional course in which one can expect to do well by merely coasting by.  The expectations of this course, in fact, are exactly the same as you might find in your career.  We have confidence that you can meet and exceed our expectations because many of you have been hand-selected to participate because of your background and unique skill-set.  We are sure that this course will be both challenging and rewarding.  It is our goal to build CEBA into a world-class center for information systems implementation.

Documents of interest:

Course Brochure: Special Topics.pdf (editable Special

CEBA Brainstorm: CEBA Brainstorm 1.pdf (editable CEBA Brainstorm 1.docx

(please feel free and edit these with your ideas and send them to

Course Summary:

Date Details Due